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Re-organizing and deleting image windows and saving custom favorite views

When in the Live View screen you can modify the order of the cameras or remove camera views from the matrix.

For re-organizing simply press and hold on the image, you can now drag it around to it’s new location. Release to drop it into place.

For deleting, press and hold and drag the camera view to the top of the screen. Drop the image into the trash bin and it will be removed from the matrix view allowing you to select a different camera from the same system or potentially a different system if you have multiple systems configured. This allows you to make a custom view that could be comprised of many systems at different locations.

To view a custom configuration, press the top right List Icon (3 stacked horizontal lines in a circle). This will allow you to select multiple systems or select cameras from different systems to show together. You can view up to 32 cameras at a time. If this is a view you would like to use again, you can save it as a favorite by selecting the Star+ (plus) Icon at the bottom right. You will be prompted to create a name, and then press Confirm.

To load that favorite press the List Icon, Press the Check Icon next to the Favorite name and press Start Live View at the bottom.