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Live View features (reorganizing windows, multi view, double tap, zoom, resolution, picture capture)

When in the live view window you can customize the number of camera views in the matrix by selecting the numbered buttons below. Once a view is chosen you can scroll through cameras by swiping left or right. You can double tap the image to bring it full screen or to bring it back to the matrix view.

From the Matrix view you can tap on an image once to select it. Once selected, you can press the Magnifying Icon below which will allow you to pinch and zoom the image and then click and drag to pan around the image. When done press the Magnifying Icon again to disable that feature.

The next Icon at the bottom of the Live View window is a shortcut to the Remote Playback window. This is an alternate way to get to that function.

The Icon located bottom middle is the Resolution setting. Here you can set the picture quality to either Medium or High. Medium would load faster and depending on the Internet speed would give you smoother motion. High Quality with give you a sharper image with better detail but will take longer to load and may drop frames depending on the Internet connection.

The Camera Icon will take a picture of any camera view that is currently selected and save it to your archive which is accessible from the main menu under Picture and Video.

The Record Icon will start recording any currently selected camera. When done press the record button again to stop the recording. The footage will be saved to your archive.