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Service Required “Type *2” (What it means and what to do)

Whenever your system is experiencing a problem you will see the message “Service Required, Type 2”. Pressing *2 will then show you the cause of the issue. Some more common issues may be:

Failure to communicate – This means your system is not sensing your phone line and may not be able to communicate with the Central Monitoring Station. If you do not have a phone line and are using an dialer then the dialer may be having a communication issue or is malfunctioning. If you have a LAND line then call your service provider to determine if there is a service outage in your area. If your home phones have a dial tone it may mean that there was a temporary outage and your system has not recognized that line is back and active. In that case press 44 on your security keypad. This will conduct a phone line test and should clear the trouble notification.

Battery test failed – If your home loses power, your alarm system will run for a period of time on a battery backup. Periodically your system tests the battery’s voltage. If it falls below a threshold then the system will alert you so that the battery can be replaced.

Low Battery – Some devices in your system may be wireless. Their batteries will typically last 3 to 5 years before needing replacement. When the device is experiencing a low battery condition
It will notify you on the keypad and will show the zone name.

Lost Zone – A wireless zone can sometimes report the condition “Lost Zone” this would mean the device is having trouble communicating with the Wireless Receiver. This can be due to RF Interference or a failing device transmitter. In some cases the battery may fail quickly causing a lost zone without a low battery message. Changing the battery would be the first step in determining the root cause of the issue.

Expansion Trouble – Expansion Trouble is more rare and is specifically referring to any device on the system’s data bus, This would include your keypads, zone expanders, cell dialer or our Control4 Integration Module.

With any of these events you can contact us to schedule a service visit, or if you have one of our C3 Plans, we most likely will have already received a notification from your system and will be contacting you to discuss our “Action Plan”